Ordering Media

Login to your Campaign Cloud account, hover over the listing and select 'Orders' (or search for your property, then hover over and select 'Orders'). 

Media products are listed under the Media category in your order form. 

Click into Media, then select your publication, the module type/size, and publication date from the columns that open up, click Add To Cart then Confirm to save your order item/s.

Blow is an example of that this might look like for you:

NOTE: An Over Deadline message or a greyed out 'Add To Cart' buttom means you are too late to advertise in that week or your deadlines need to be generated by a support team member.

Clicking Confirm in the cart the order does not incur any costs or book the advertisement. Costs are incurred at the end of the week in which the ad appears in the publication. Both yourself and the intended printing company will receive a confirmation email outlining the requirement for product printing.

Creating & Editing Artwork

Follow the process outlined in the link above to build your artwork.