Login to your Campaign Cloud account, hover over the listing and select 'Artworks' (or search for your property, then hover over and select 'Artworks').

Below is an example of what this screen might look like for your listing. You will notice some areas have been highlighted, each are explained below.

1. General Marketing area

This area lists all general property marketing items, these could include Brochures, Flyers, Window Cards, and Signboards.

2. Brochure

This product displays a dropdown selector, this indicated more than one page. You can select a page number, then click on the thumbnail proof to open that particular page to continue working on your artwork.

You will also notice this item shows 'Waiting For Approval' next to the Approve button. This indicates all required fields have been completed and the system has returned no errors - the artwork can be approved for print.

NOTE: Once you have approved artwork in the system, you can no longer make further changes. If you spot an error or accidentally approve something, call (08) 8229 9030 immediately to stop print.

3. Signboard

This product displays the default thumbnail indicating no artwork has yet been created. You will also notice this shows 'Ready For Creation' meaning the product has had installation instructions/installation date provided and now artwork can be created/proofed.

4. Media

This area displays all Media items ordered for the deadline dates displayed in the heading, these items include modules for your local Newspaper, or Property Guide modules.

5. Proof Campaign

This will create a PDF Proof of all the materials that make up your campaign. When you select this, you will be prompted to enter up to 3 recipients to receive the proof via e-mail. You can modify the subject, body, and attachments. When ready, click the Send Proof button in this pop-up window to send your proofing email.

Other Icons to note:


Hover over this to see details of the Artwork including, status, template used and any images included. This will also identify any issues preventing you from approving the artwork, this could be an overset text warning or image warning.

For Media Artwork, if the ad is being repeated across multiple weeks you can modify the Artwork for each repetition by clicking the Edit Separately button.

Below are two examples of what the Information panel looks like:


Identifies any issue/s with the Artwork you are currently proofing - e.g. too much text, low resolution photos etc. To view the error, hover your cursor over this icon, below is an example of what this panel looks like:

Waiting for Images

Artwork is waiting for a required image/s to be selected on the proof.

Page Numbers

Use the dropdown to select the page you'd like to view the thumbnail preview of, or view the status of individual pages within the Artwork. You can also select a page from the dropdown then click on the thumbnail preview to open that page in the Artwork builder.

Artwork used for other Orders

The Artwork is also used for other Orders, this could be in a different publication or identifying the current artwork has been duplicated but not yet separated.


This marks the Artwork as being 'Approved', this could be either for printing, or approved and ready for download depending if this is an In-House product or not.


Identifies the product is ready for you to create the Artwork and begin your proofing process.


This will email the hi-res print file to your supplier. For campaign materials utilising In-House printing, once approved you can then download the hi-res print file.

NOTE: Once you have approved artwork in the system, you can no longer make further changes. If you spot an error or accidentally approve something, call (08) 8229 9030 immediately to stop print.