In your web browser navigate to

At the bottom of the page, enter your username and password and click 'Enter'.

Once logged in, navigate to the 'Orders' Tab of the property you wish to order a media item for.


Open 'Properties'


Open the Order Forma and Select the 'Media' category from your list.


Choose a publication. 

Your Order form may have multiple options depending on what you have requested to be setup.


Choose a module type, your list may have a few options to choose from, this will depend on the type of setup you have requested. E.g. 'Half Page', 'Full Page', 'Quarter Page', etc.


Pick a publication week from the options shown.

NOTE: Dates shown in this list are week beginning, e.g. 26th Feb 2024 is a Monday, if you select this date, your artwork will appear in that weeks publication. The date shown, is not the specific 'publication date'.


Click 'Add to Cart', your item will appear in the cart on the right hand side of the screen, if pricing is setup for you, this will display a price inc GST.


Click 'Confirm' when you are ready to proceed with proofing the artwork.

Once you have confirmed the item in your cart, your screen should refresh and display an order summary like below:

From here, open the artwork by clicking the 'Proofing By Client' status.

Follow the usual steps you would take to build and proof your artwork, then 'Approve and Close' when ready to approve for print in your chosen publication.

If you are unsure, navigate to the article below for a step-by-step guide on building artwork:

Property - Artwork Screen - Creating or Editing Artwork