How To: Order & Design - Property Products Through A Supplier

1. In your web browser navigate to At the bottom of the windows, enter your username and password.  If you have forgotten your login details, contact Campaign Cloud.

2. In the top left search box, enter the street name of the property that you want to order products for 

3. Underneath the property address, hover your mouse over the first icon to edit the listing details

4. Update any necessary property details listed, scroll to the bottom and click 'Save and Continue'

5. Click on the 'Orders' tab.

6. You should see a list of products, if not, Click Add / Edit Order(s) to order more.

7. From the "Select a Category" list, click the type of product you would like to order, followed by the quantity and finish options shown in the second list. Once you have the specific product that you would like to order selected, click "Add to Cart"

Note: Any product that does not list a company will be sent to The Fotobase Group, Campaign Cloud's preferred print supplier.  

8. Click "Confirm".  You will receive an email confirming the order but no costs are incurred until the Artwork has been approved and printed.

9. Click on the "Images" tab and ensure any photos you want to use in the product are visible.  If not, upload your high-resolution photos, by clicking "Add Images" in the top right Menu. This will open an upload window, Select the images you want to upload and click "Start Upload". When all images are uploaded successfully, close this window.


10. Go to the "Artwork" Tab, and navigate to the product you have just ordered. It is now time to build your artwork. Click the icon to begin.

11. If you have more than one option for a layout, select the Template that you would like to use from the icons shown.

12. Fill in the details in the left hand panel, and then scroll to your images beneath this form. When you've fond the image you would like to use, and assign the images into their correct boxes on the template. For a brochure with one image, you will select "Photo 1" from the dropdown list under the chosen image. Once all details are entered, click "Build artwork" to view your proof on the right hand side.

13. Click "Next Page" and repeat steps 11 & 12 to select your template and build your proof. 
(Once your proof of each side has been built, it is safe to exit out of the artwork, as all of your changes have been saved)

14. ***Optional*** Once your proof is built, you can click "Email Proof' from the top of the left hand panel, and email the proof to clients or co-workers.

15. Once your artwork is ready and you would like to send it to print, click "Approve all pages and close". 

16. This will open a Pop-up confirmation window. If you would like to proceed, click "OK". 

17. At this point the artwork will send to print. Once printed, the costs for the order will be incurred and a notification email will be sent to yourself and supplier.  From the Artwork page, you will be able to view the Artwork but not make any changes.  If you are required to make changes, contact the printing agency as soon as possible.