1. Select the Property

Login to your Campaign Cloud account, hover over the listing and select 'Details' (or search for your property, then hover over and select 'Details'). 

You will see the 'Property Details' screen and the below tabs will display at the top below your property address:

2. Property Details

The information on this screen is driven by your CRM (or manual entry). Relevant details can be edited and additional information created as required for your Campaign, simply click in the relevant field, enter the information, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Save and Continue button.

You may also choose to Save and Update Artwork if you would like any artwork associated with the property to update automatically.

NOTE: Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory. Your order form will not look identical to the screenshot above, this is only an example. 

Information added through Campaign Cloud will not update any information in your CRM. We recommend any changes be completed in your CRM where possible.

On the far right of the top menu bar, you will see the below options:

End will mark your campaign as ended. You would only use this button when the listing has sold or been taken off the market, generally, if you are setup with a CRM feed, the system will do this for you automatically. If the listing has been created manually in Campaign Cloud, you will need to manually 'end' the campaign.

Once ended, the property is moved into the Ended Campaign section and can be reactivated if necessary.

Add Quote functionality is activated on a request basis.

Notes Can be included on your campaign for your own reference or to be shared within your office.

If you have ended a campaign, but need to reactivate it, seach for your listing within the 'Ended' section, open the Property Details and click this button. visible in the top right corner.