1. Quick Links Panel
Quick Links give you fast access to key information in the system. For example 'Boards' brings you to the current list of installed signs so you can you book in removals.
2. Search Bar
The search bar is used to find properties from the “Property Listing” screen.
You can search for Current or Ended campaigns, just select the option you want, type your details and search.
On the left of the search bar, you will also see two links 'List' and 'New'.
List will change the format of how your dashboard displays properties, instead of in a grid with large thumbnail images, you can view this screen in a table-like list.
New will open the New Property Form, manually complete the details and click Create to save a new listing.
3. Main Menu Bar
This will display a complete list of items currently open or 'in the works', like items that are waiting for approval.
Your Campaign Cloud Dashboard or Landing Page. This page lists all your your current properties.
Used for ordering non-property specific products. For example, Business Cards, Office Flyers and Stationery etc.
To create/view reports based off orders placed in the system.
A list of contacts you have entered/used on artwork or through Campaign Cloud.
Photo Bookings
The Fotobase Group Bookings System, contact [email protected] to obtain a login.
4. Settings
Used to configure aspects of Campaign Cloud.
5. Logout
Logs you out of Campaign Cloud.
This is an important step to take when leaving your account, using this button will help your web browser to completely close down your session without caching any data.