Your Campaign Cloud Settings Screen allows you to edit office and staff information when needed.

Log into your account and click on the Settings button in the bottom left corner to access this area.  

The options you may need to edit are highlighted below:

1. My Details

When logged in, you have the ability to edit your own details. Note: if your office shares one generic login, any details updated here will be updated for everyone.

By clicking Edit under the My Details section, your details will pop-up in an editable form for you to update, click the Update button at the bottom of this form to save your changes.

2. Agency Staff

All office staff are added to this section.

When adding staff, if they are salespeople or need to be selected on artwork, make sure the “Sales Person” box is ticked ON. All other information which is required is identified with an *.

NOTE: Mobile field is not marked as required, however should always be completed.